Setting up the Store

Most of the store has already been set up for you, but you will need to connect your ArtSite store to the Stripe payment gateway. Stripe is used for processing credit card transactions. When your customers pay, the transaction is handled by the Stripe payment gateway, and then Stripe will send money directly into your bank account. 

There is no monthly fee for using Stripe, but they do take a small percentage of each sale.  See their current pricing page for details. 

So you need to sign up with Stripe, and then you'll be given some connection information (a publishable key and a secret key), and you'll need to add them into your ArtSite store so that transactions will work. 

First, visit to get signed up.  

how to sign up for Stripe

Once you create an account, and get logged in, you'll need to tell Stripe about your business so you can start taking credit card payments. You'll also need to connect your bank account, so Stripe can send you any money that you make. 

In the upper right corner of the dashboard, click the settings icon: 

click settings

From there, click into Business Settings, and follow the prompts to set up your business in Stripe. 

business settings


Once you get your account all set up, you should see there's a dashboard that looks like something like this: 

stripe dashboard


Over on the left, you'll find all kinds of reports about transactions that happen, and customers, etc. You will be able to match these up with Order records in the ArtSites store. 

The information you need to copy into ArtSites is located right there on the dashboard.  You need to copy the publishable key and the secret key.  

With this page open, go ahead and open another browser tab so you can have both your ArtSite and Stripe open.  In your ArtSite, you need to go to 

Commerce > Configuration > Payment > Payment gateways

path to payment gateways


There will only be one payment listed there: Stripe Payment 1.  Click to edit that gateway.  

payment gateway list page

That will bring up this payment gateway page. 

gateway settings page


Here you will paste in the Publishable Key and the Secret Key.   Make sure you don't have any extra spaces either before or after the text, as that will prevent it from working. 

There is one more thing:  In Stripe you can be in either test mode or live mode.  You will have a different set of Keys for each mode. And you can see above on the gateway settings page, you have to specify whether you are in test mode or live mode.  So make sure if you are going into live mode, you have pasted in the correct keys, and you have the buttons checked for live mode both here, and in Stripe. 

If you want to try to put through some test transactions, just to make sure everything is working, you can do that.  Here is a good way to test: 

  1. Log out of your ArtSites website.  The customers will be logged-out, so we want to test this as if we are them. 
  2. Add one of your products to the cart. 
  3. On the checkout page, you can use a common test Visa card number, such as 4242 4242 4242 4242 and just set the expiration date to some time in the future, and you can use any 3 digits for the security code on the back.

Once you've run through a few test transactions, and you are ready go live, you need to switch Stripe into live mode:

make stripe live


And also copy the new live mode keys

And then in the ArtSites payment gateway page, switch into live mode, and paste in the keys. 


set payment modes


Once you have done this, SAVE the configuration settings, and you're store is now live.