Removing or unpublishing art products and variations

If you sold an original work of art, or you sold out of all the prints you have, and you need to remove the item from the store, so it cannot be purchased again, you have a couple choices.  You can either choose to remove it, or simply unpublish it. 

If the product was an original painting, and it's gone and can't be sold again, you should just remove that product variation.

Simply click the "Remove" button next to the variation that is the original painting.  You can still continue to sell prints, so that one needs to stick around. 

manage product variations

Do not remove the entire product, or your art will be removed. You only need to remove the variation that is the original art.

If the product is temporarily out of stock, like prints or something like that, and you might want to sell it again in the future, then simply mark it as unpublished.  Click to edit the variation, and uncheck the box for "Published" and click "Update variation". 


unpublish variation


Now the variation is still around in case you need it later, but it won't appear as an option anyone can purchase.