
Free Places to Display Your Art Online

The internet may have become the great equalizer for sharing, but it is also a vast sea to get lost in without having much impact. Choosing a limited range of locations that tie in to your focus helps build the type of following and viral platform growth to drive your art business.

AI: Artist’s friend or foe?

AI has tremendous potential when it comes to data-intensive tasks, such as accounting. Imagine auditing millions of records in seconds and revealing a short list of anomalies to look at. AI also has far-reaching implications for complex data modeling.

How to Set Pricing for Your Artwork

Like anything else that is bought or sold, the price of artwork is underpinned by its value. Value is the perception the buyer has that they will gain some benefit or personal satisfaction from a purchase. The higher the perceived benefit or satisfaction, the more value the buyer puts on the item.

How Selling Artwork Frees You to Do Your Best Work

I recently watched an interview with a novelist who talked about the difference between when he was working odd jobs and now that he is steadily selling books. He said the difference between then and now is how much more he is able to write. Before he received advances and royalties, a large portion of each day was spent at a job.